

Bloomfield Community Schools will provide educational opportunities in academics and life skills to enable students to develop into RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS!

Students will improve READING comprehension!


Bloomfield Elementary School

Bloomfield Community School District 86R, is a Class 3 K-12 school district covering approximately 232 square miles. The elementary school and community auditorium/gymnasium were built in 1962. An addition to the elementary school was constructed in 1988 to accommodate special education, Chapter I programs and vocal music. The elementary school currently has a maximum capacity of 300. The elementary school building comprises 7,500-sq. ft. and has 19 classrooms. The auditorium/gymnasium building is 10,000-sq. ft. and also contains the vocational classrooms and shop areas. Vocational courses are currently offered at the high school level in the areas of industrial arts, agribusiness, home economics, and business. The high school also offers general education programs for adults, as well as a variety of special interest courses offered in cooperation with Northeast Community College in Norfolk and Wayne State College in Wayne. Graduate courses from Wayne State College and undergraduate courses from Northeast Community College are available.


Bloomfield High School

The Jr.-Sr. High School was built in 1927 and has been remodeled and updated several times. This building also has a maximum capacity of 300 and overall comprises 10,000-sq. ft. in the main building with 21 classrooms. The current enrollment for K-12 is 284. The teacher/pupil ratio 1 to 12 in the Bloomfield Schools. A recent addition to the district was the installation of Distance Learning Technology over DS3 Fiber. The district has a student computer ratio of 1:4. Both the elementary and high school have a computer lab.

School Report Card

The Nebraska Department of Education 2005 report card containing statistical comparisons on standards and assessments for the last year’s 4th, 8th, and 11th grade students. On the math standards, grades 4 and 8 rated exemplary, and grade 11 rated very good. On the quality of the district assessment used to measure student learning, the assessments for all three grades rated exemplary.

In another category, Bloomfield High School’s ACT test scores continue to rate considerably higher than the state average. Bloomfield composite=23.60. Nebraska state average=22.60.

Bloomfield Community Schools Foundation Scholarship

All graduates of Bloomfield High School and residents of the Bloomfield School District who are enrolled in any post high school educational/job training program are eligible to apply.  An average of 15-20 scholarships are awarded each semester. The Foundation Scholarships are made possible by generous donations, memorials, and fundraisers. Anyone interested in donating or setting up a memorial fund may contact a board member or send a letter to PO Box 523, Bloomfield, NE  68718.

Apply – Bloomfield Community Scholarship Foundation

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